As the holiday season surrounds us with messages of indulgence, feasts, and endless food imagery, it’s easy to forget that for some, this time of year brings not joy but an overwhelming sense of isolation. For those of us who live without the ability to eat food, including children and adults relying on artificial nutrition, the festive season can be an especially difficult and emotional time.
For weeks leading up to Christmas, the world has been consumed with discussions about food, what to cook, what to buy, and even the struggles many face to afford meals. But for tubies, those who rely on tube feeding or Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN), the reality is different. We are reminded at every turn of what we can no longer have, what our bodies can no longer process.
This year marks seven years since I, Darren Carter, last ate food. And I won’t sugar-coat it, it’s been tough. Even after all these years, the holidays bring a mix of emotions, and this year has been particularly challenging for me. I’ve struggled with the memories of what Christmas used to be, with the constant reminders of something I’ve lost, and with the loneliness that can creep in when the world is centred around what you can’t have.
But my heart especially goes out to those experiencing their first festive season without food. I know how hard it is to navigate this transition, and I want you to know: you are not alone.
For parents of children who can’t eat, this season can be even harder as you navigate a world that doesn’t fully understand your child’s needs. Watching other children indulge in festive treats while yours relies on a tube can be heartbreaking, but please know that you are seen and supported.
To my fellow tubies and their loved ones: You are warriors. Every day, you overcome challenges others can’t imagine, and this holiday season is no exception. Let’s lean on each other, celebrate the strength we show every day, and remember that this journey, though difficult, doesn’t have to be walked alone.
Together, through The Hunger Games: The Battle of Nutrition, we can share our stories, lift one another up, and find solace in the fact that we are part of a resilient and understanding community.
This festive season, let’s remind ourselves and the world: we are more than our struggles. We are warriors in this battle, and we’re fighting it together.
From my heart to yours,
Darren Carter
Founder, Hunger Games: The Battle of Nutrition
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If you’d like to learn more about our mission or arrange an interview to discuss my journey and the work we do, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Together, we can raise awareness and bring hope to those who need it most